Tuesday, 9 December 2008

moar lighting

today I got in at about 1, and started lighting right away. through the course of the day, i finished up some loose texturing ends here and there as well and think that those aspects are pretty much wrapped up now. In terms of lighting, its all pretty straightforward, the hardest part was to try and get lights on the floor as if they were shining from the diner windows. i tried putting a series of spotlights inside the diner adn changing the shadow settings nad light linking them all with the diner frame, but in the end, it proved easier to move them to just above the roof, and using the barn door settings to give the illusion that it was coming from iside. Inside the diner, the setup is extremly simple, three point lights with quite low intensitys and not casting shadwows, and then a small area light over each table which provide a bit more brightness and also cast the shadows of the objects on the table. other than that, the only trying part was to try adn get a nice decay effect from the bottom fo the buildings up to the tops, which is currently proving harder than i thought it would be. I initially had a large area light over teh whole scene, but have sicne moved it to the ground to try and get the effect. Ill work on that more tomorrow... Below are some render tests and a screen grab to show the lighting setup...

~The table setup, something is still wrong with the floor and the glow on the jukebox is insanely strong for some reason~

~The outside of the diner, the street still seems a litlte brights, but Im happy with the glow from the windows~

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