Well, its the end of the project... I came in this morning at 8 to edit everything together, and surprise, the batch render had only completed about a third of most of the 200 frames set, while a few completed completely. Because Im leaving tomorrow and the rendering wouldnt finish before the new year at this rate, Ive edited together everything we've got and playblasted a full version of what it sohuld look like... At the end of the day, Im very happy with the project, just slightly dissappointed in the rendering process. I wish Id allocated more time, but I didnt think it would take this long or we would run into any serious prolbems iwth the render farm(like the fact it didnt work for us). Ill post later the two versions of the movie, and Ill keep posting over break with some photos I took recently or some sketches... To see some final rendered stills, check Jac's blog from the roll on the right.. Merry Christmas!!